Game - Space Sling Puck Game Palets de l'espace - Vilac
Game - Space Sling Puck Game Palets de l'espace - Vilac
Jeu de palets de l'espace: Voyagez dans l'espace, a bord du vaisseau Vilac dans ce magnifique jeu de palets au look vintage. Le but est de se debarrasser de tous ses palets avant son adversaire ou, encore plus difficile, de ne plus avoir un seul palet de son cote. Dimensions : 36 x 4 x 58.5 cm
Ideal pour un enfant à partir de 5 ans. ATTENTION! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. Petits elements. Danger d’etouffement.
Immediate takeoff! Travel into space aboard the Vilac ship in this magnificent shuffleboard game with a vintage look. The goal is to get rid of all your pucks before your opponent or, even harder, not to have a single puck on your side. You have to use your rubber band as a launcher and be the most skillful to aim at the hole in the center of the game. For the best shooters, another obstacle can be substituted with 2 off-centre holes. Measures approximately 36 x 4 x 58.5 cm. Box measures approximately 36 x 60 x 5 cm. Safety rated for ages 4+.